

rspc has a built-in integration with Axum (opens in a new tab) so that you can expose your API over HTTP.

Enable feature

For the integration to work you must enable the axum feature of rspc.

rspc = { version = "0.0.0", features = ["axum"] } # Ensure you put the latest version!

Read more about Rust features here (opens in a new tab)


let router = rspc::Router::<()>::new()
    .query("version", |_, _: ()| "1.0.0")
let app = axum::Router::new()
    .route("/", get(|| async { "Hello 'rspc'!" }))
    .route("/rspc/:id", router.endpoint(|| ()).axum())

Extracting Context from Request

Warning: The Axum extractor API is probally going to be removed in a future release. If you are using this API, I would appreciate a message in the Discord about your usecase so I can ensure the replacement API can do everything you need.

Warning: Current we only support a single extractor. This is a temporary limitation so open a GitHub Issue if you need more.

You may want to use Axum extractors to get data from the request such as cookies and put them on the request context. The axum_handler function takes a closure that can take up to 16 valid Axum extractors as arguments and then returns the request context (of type TCtx).

let router = rspc::Router::<String>::new()
    .query("currentPath", |ctx, _: ()| ctx)
let app = axum::Router::new()
    .route("/", get(|| async { "Hello 'rspc'!" }))
    // We use Axum `Path` extractor. The `rspc::Router` has `TCtx` set to `String` so we return the path string as the context.
    .route("/rspc/:id", router.endpoint(|Path(path): Path<String>| path).axum())

Usage on frontend

import { FetchTransport, WebsocketTransport, createClient } from "@rspc/client";
import type { Procedures } from "./ts/bindings"; // These were the bindings exported from your Rust code!
// For fetch transport
const client = createClient<Procedures>({
  transport: new FetchTransport("http://localhost:4000/rspc"),
// For websocket transport - Required for subscriptions
const client = createClient<Procedures>({
  transport: new WebsocketTransport("ws://localhost:8080/rspc/ws"),
client.query(["version"]).then((data) => console.log(data));